LPVO team has more than 30-year experiences in modelling and simulation of optoelectronic devices, especially solar cells. Simulations with well calibrated models enable to predict and understand not only external characteristics of the devices but present a magic tool for an inside view in optical and electrical situation inside the device structure. This gives us an advantageous power to optimise existing structures and to design completely new concepts of devices.
For efficient research and development in photovoltaics and optoelectronics we have been developing also our own simulation tools:
SunShine - 1D Optical simulator (semi-coherent model)
FEMOS 2D - 2D rigorous optical simulator (FEM based)
CROWM - 3D Optical simulator (combined wave optics and ray optics)
ASPIN3 - 2D electrical simulator
SunIrradiance - Sun Irradiance simulator
Nika - complex refractive index defined (fundamental R&T method)
Combined growth model - thin-film non-conformal layer growth (conformal + isotropic growth)
AFM Analyzer - Program for automatic analysis of AFM measurements