

The requirement to make accurate predictions of the energy yield of a certain PV module (or PV plant) at a given location and the way how it is mounted arises primarily from investors in the PV power plant. It is important to the prospective investor to now how much he can expect from his investment and also to assess the energy and especially economic viability of the PV plant. In the case of predictions of the energy yield of PV modules or PV plants only on the basis of the STC or NOCT values ​​(given in data sheets by the manufacturers) often leads to overly optimistic estimates of yield. The optimistic forecast assist the investment decision, but it could lead to long term disappointment, if the too optimistic energy yield predictions are not realised.



Our in-house developed SunIrradiance software enables the simulation
of solar irradiance in Slovenia as well as the simulation of PV
modules and systems. Solar cells in each module are modelled with a
one-diode model depending on irradiance and temperature.

The simulations of PV modules together with the analyses of solar
irradiance and the measurements of shading influences allow a more
detailed yield estimate of a planned PV system.



For additional information please contact:

  • Matevž Bokalič, E-mail: Matevz.Bokalic[at]fe.uni-lj.si, Phone: +386 1 4768 276
  • Kristijan Brecl, E-mail: Kristijan.Brecl[at]fe.uni-lj.si, Phone: +386 1 4768 848


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