Project (co)funded by the ARRS

Research project is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency.
Member of University of Ljubljana |
Code |
Project |
Advanced modeling and charcaterization of high efficiency solar cells and photovoltaic modules |
Period |
1.7.2019 - 30.6.2022 |
Range on year |
1,88 FTE |
Head |
Research activity |
Engineering |
Research organizations |
Abstract |
The small basic research project »Advanced modeling and characterization of high efficiency solar cells and photovoltaic modules« is primarily focusing on investigation and development of advanced modelling concepts of single and multi-junction solar cells and PV modules in line with characterization that is needed for validation of the models and improved device concepts.
The aim of the project is to develop advanced models and simulation tools with predictive power that will speed up the experimental R&D of high-efficiency silicon based solar cells and modules in terms of improved performance as well as device stability and reliability.
Advanced concepts will be applied (but not limited) to tandem perovskite/silicon solar cell and PV module technology, presenting promising solution to overcome 30 % of conversion efficiency.
Project objectives will be pursued by means of R&D through a continuous loop of design, modeling, experimental validation of device components and their implementation in complete high-efficiency solar cells and modules. In collaboration with experts from Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin structures for model validation and for the proof of improved device concepts will be fabricated in all stages of the project.
The proposed solutions will aim at higher conversion efficiencies of the solar cells and PV modules, lower consumption of the material, reducing energy and process time in the production. As an outcome, significant improvements in performance of solar cells and in PV module competitiveness are expected. |
Researchers |
Phases and realization |
The project is organized in four work packages:
Bibliographic records |