Modelling and simulations

Light in a solar cell
- we want to trap as much as possible light in the solar cell structures (but only that part of the spectrum which has higher energy than the energy band-gap of the semiconductor used)
- we want to absorb as much as possible light in the active parts/layers of solar cell structure (absorption of light in supporting inactive parts of the structures, such as in contact layers only leads to heating of the cell)
- absorbed light in active parts/layers of solar cell generates photo-current of the cell (active part of the cell present narrow region around the pn junction or the intrinsic layer (such as i-uc-Si:H in the figure nearby) in case of p-i-n structures of thin-film solar cells)
Aim of optical modelling and simulations
- to analyze and improve above mentioned optical circumstances in solar cells and photovoltaic modules
- to invent novel optical concepts based on simulation results supported by experiments
Motivation and meaning
- the trends of solar cells production are going in the direction of thinning the structures
- in solar cells with thin active layers light management and light trapping issues become very important
- especially in thin-film solar cells there still exists a high potential to improve light trapping in the structures – optimization of the existing concepts and development of novel solutions are important!
- implementation of simulation results and findings into lab solar cells and in photovoltaic modules in production